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We rely on the generosity and kindness of individuals and organizations who donate to the purpose and kaupapa of Evolve Peer Support Trust.


If you would like to donate to Evolve Peer Support Trust there are several ways that you can do this.


Payroll giving, where offered by your employer, gives you the opportunity to donate to approved donee organizations direct from your pay and receive immediate tax credits that reduce your PAYE payable. Click here for more information on how to donate through payroll giving.



Account Name: Evolve Peer Trust

Account Number: 06-0837-0341296-00

Particulars: Please enter your surname in this field

Reference: Donation


Evolve Peer Support Trust has a Give a little page, you can visit it by clicking the donate button below.




If you have made donations to Evolve Peer Support Trust then you may be able to claim a tax credit.​ You can claim 33.3% of the total donations you’ve made - or, if your total donations exceed your taxable income for the year you can claim up to 33.3% of your taxable income.


To claim a tax credit you need to file a Tax credit claim form (IR526) for the relevant tax year.  


For more information on how to make a claim, please click here.


Have your IRD number, your bank account number and your receipts for donations on hand.


After you’ve completed the form and attached your receipts return your tax credit claim form to:


Inland Revenue
PO Box 39090
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045


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